Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Unsolicited Email

In any profession one of the downsides of attending conferences or publishing papers is that your email address gets out into the world and you become the target of unsolicited junk email.  Most of what I receive is trying to sell me a scientific product or get me to attend a conference or publish in a journal that no one has ever never heard. I never open the bulk of it.

Recently I've received a ton of crap.  

Today, as a sort of silver-lining, I got my all-time favorite unsolicited email, and one that I actually opened and read completely.  Check it out below. The subject line was "Get all the DNA out of urine!".  YES!!

Best part: "Urine is a veritable gold mine...".  I couldn't agree more!

Anyway, I'm in a select group (I assume) of scientists chosen to be beta-testers of Zymo Research's Extract-ALL(TM) Urine DNA Kit, so I got that going for me, which is nice.